Who are we ?
Facilitator & Mediator
Our goal is to connect nations and enable states to move forward through a Track II Diplomacy strategy, while providing a transparent framework and a platform for influential people in the world of entrepreneurship and diplomacy.
We are building major economic projects that unite two States which a priori would not have
of political interests to collaborate.
The mutual understanding of interests favorable to both countries makes it possible to advance solid and stable alliances for the economic future of these countries.
The WBU is made up of national and regional branches that facilitate exchanges across the federation.
A diplomatic intelligence unit
Within WBU - a cell works in total confidentiality on diplomatic intelligence missions. If you have information of strategic importance, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it at contact@worldbusinessunion.org

Embassy of Track II Diplomacy.
Very often, politicians have little leeway when it comes to major decisions and major changes for the future of society. We are players of the Track II Diplomacy.

The WBU Academy
Coming soon... our online courses and our special "Track II Diplomacy" course by the best experts in their sectors.
Our Business Lines and Specialized WBU Commissions
Energie & Environnement
Air and sea transport
Cyber 3.0
Leadership and transformation of society
In the era of global governance, governing is no longer the sole prerogative of state actors. Going forward, government and civil society are called upon to establish natural partnerships and creative alliances of opportunity,
in order to meet current and future challenges.
A paradigm shift – enabled by the emergence of WBU – is necessitated by growing transnational integration trends. The answers to the problems of globalization can no longer derive from the implementation of the only means of classical diplomacy, but must be sought in the participative and cooperative interaction between politics, diplomacy, the economy and society.
Our vision is therefore fundamentally positive and optimistic of international relations, because we believe that the increase in the wealth of countries, the rise in their GDP will contribute to the well-being of the most fragile economies and the most prone to conflict. Thus allowing to increase the rates of employment, happiness and prosperity.
This is why classical diplomacy is transformed by passing from a field of purely interstate relations to a field of state/non-state relations which gives rise to a political network between diplomacy and transnational corporations. In the context of this transformation, corporate diplomacy can offer liaison elements and appropriate tools.
Our team
Founding President
Founding Vice-President
Richard SOMET
Président Commission Afrique de l'Ouest
Alexander REES-EVANS
Président de la Commission Cybernétique et Blockchain
Guillaume LOISON
Vice-Président Commission Maritime et spécialiste de la gestion et des opérations portuaires, sur navires sûreté-sécurité.
Consultante Stratégique
Cyrille GENET
Expert Energies et Zones dites "complexes"
Consultant stratégique pour la sécurité maritime.
François SENOUCI
Expert Défense Maritime
Thierry MATHIS
Expert Energie et Géostratégie
Conseiller au Commerce Extérieur de la France
Anthony J. HOWELL
Membre de la commission Blockchain et Cybernetic et Ambassadeur des Bermudes à Washington D.C.
Directeur des Affaires de l'Aviation Civile Internationale et
Membre de la Commission de l'Air et de l'Espace
Our partners